Monday, March 31, 2008

The Biggest Loser!

Okay girls and guys!
Here are some ground rules:
1. We will have to do a "weigh in" I know this is hard and embarassing, but it needs to be done, in order to motivate each of us to get healthy

2. We will have weight checks, every other week.This most likely will be based on an honesty policy, but we can and may schedule surprise weigh ins through out the 6 mos. Your weights can be emailed to me. Subject: weigh in

3. You need to be serious about this! Do you want me to post your number, or just pounds lost? Me? I am posting it all, as I know that is what it will take to motivate me most! * If you would like- you could use a secret name, that only I will know!

4. We are going to try and do a "pot" with a cost of $5 a month.If you can not afford to, nor want to be able to win the pot, that is okay, you can still play for free, you just aren't eligible in the end for the money!We will talk later about maybe 2nd and 3rd place money or prizes!* Money is due by 10th of each month!!! ( send to me, either $5 or pre pay the full $30)

Remember this is all about becoming more healthy. I want everyone to post recipes, workout tips, and each week, I will try and give you some sort of extra boost, to help with your weight loss.
Ex:This week fit into your routine at least 3 days:
30 push ups
50 Jumping jacks
50 crunches
I will also see about getting groups together to get outside for some excercise, kids included ( maybe a day at the zoo, etc.) and also work on doing 2-3 times a week at my house, a 30 minute DVD or something. Everyone is welcome!
I am also really considering along with the weigh in, an inches lost contest too, as some of us might lose inches before weight.
It is up to you, it will only help your chances of becoming the biggest loser!

Contest begins Tues. April 1st, 2008 I will not be participating til May sometime, and the contest will end on October 1st, 2008. ( I am considering doing a 3 month contest- what do you think? )
At that point for those of you ready, we will begin a new one!
I am also going to monthly, designate partners! This will be someone you know, or a stranger, that will offer some support to you, to keep you motivated.Whether it is sending an email, or card, someone to help keep your spirits up!~
Meeting new people, is not a bad thing folks!
Please post a response if you are interested in joining this group.
Have a good day!Jen