Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Biggest Loser winners of weigh in 1

Okay, so the big day has come.....
So far we are tied with:
Cindy losing 1 lb
Britt losing 1 lb

Way to go you guys, the day is not over, someone could beat you, but will they? Who will it be?
Sure as heck not me!

Congrats you two!

Congrats to everyone else, who are doing this with us!


Dave and Britt said...

What about amber? I can guarantee she lost atleast 6.5 hehe.

Biggest Losers said...

Amber and I weren't officially starting til we had our babies. That wouldn't have been really fair of us.
I think now, she is starting, I did get her new weight down!
She did lose a lot of weight!
Hugs to you!